Company profile

Zhejiang Four Brothers Rope Industry Co., Ltd. is located in Taizhou City, Zhejiang Toumen Port New area, the geographical position is superior, the company covers a total area of more than 56,000 square meters, construction area of 81,764 square meters, annual capacity of 35,000 tons, is the current domestic production capacity, equipment and technology leading full series of cable companies. The company can produce various specifications and chemical fiber made of 3mm-300mm diameter, a single length of 3000M large, ultra-long, super strong chemical fiber ROPE, long-term OEM production for Japan OBMA ROPE, most of the products exported to Europe and the United States market, chemical fiber rope single export amount of the industry leading, the company has more than 350 employees.

The company is a member unit of the National aquatic Standardization Technical Committee, a member unit of the salvage professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Navigation and the Polar Navigation Equipment Committee, and has participated in the drafting and formulation of a number of national standards and industry standards. At the same time, the company is headquartered in London international shipowners purchasing organization IMPA and the international rope industry association CI member, participated in the discussion and formulation of many international rope standards, and Shanghai Maritime University to establish a "new materials, new technology, new applications" joint laboratory, has a corporate scholarship in the university of Shanghai. The R & D center of the enterprise is the "China Special Rope R & D Center" awarded by the China Textile Industry Federation.

The company's development mission is to help users achieve "cost control and security of the whole life cycle", and has won wide recognition in the market. Successful key projects for the state and ministries include China deep-sea oil and gas exploitation project of CNOOC "Lingshui 17-2" project, "Deep-sea No. 1" platform, "Shenzhou" spacecraft return capsule Marine emergency rescue system, "300,000 tons tanker VLCC", "400,000 tons ore carrier VLOC", "24,000 container carrier", "170,000 square LNG-FSR "U Transport ship", "Snow Dragon 2" polar research ship and large ships, etc., provide chemical fiber rope supporting products and services, and won the praise of users.

The company has taken the lead in the industry through the ISO quality system certification, has three military certificates (contract, system, confidentiality), not only has CCS, DNV, BV, NK, ABS, LR and other major classification societies Marine cable recognition certificate, but also is the first in China. At the same time has two major international classification societies ABS and DNV issued by the offshore deep-sea mooring cable special type approval certificate manufacturers. In 2021, the company also won the world's fifth OCIMF MEG4 certificate of recognition issued by Norsk Classification Society based on the "Mooring Equipment Guide" issued by the International Petroleum Transportation Organization OCIMF, which is recognized by the international authoritative industry technology access agency, marking that our four brothers rope products have reached the international standard. The qualification and ability to compete on the same stage in the field of shipping and offshore mooring cables have laid the foundation for the next step of the company to achieve internationalization and globalization.

The formal establishment of the joint venture company in March 2021 marks a key step in the success of the four Brothers Rope industry, which was planned many years ago from family to enterprise, and from enterprise to socialization. The joint venture company has established "new materials, new technology, new application" as the breakthrough of the next development of the enterprise, technological innovation as the internal driving force of the enterprise, benchmarking international enterprises and industry cutting-edge technologies, further increasing the continuous investment in technological innovation and technology research and development, the company has begun to introduce the world's top industry experts from abroad. With the strength of COSCO Shipping, a global enterprise with strong comprehensive strength in the field of ship and ocean engineering equipment manufacturing, operation and service, it plans to build the "Fiber Rope Innovation Technology Development Institute", focusing on several key directions such as "smart rope", "fiber rope replacement metal rope", "deep sea mining and communication", "safety and protection". Increase basic research and innovative technology research and development, do a good job of technical reserves, in order to further break the monopoly advantage of European and American enterprises in some key areas, while creating the Chinese standard system, build the Chinese intellectual property system of fiber rope, seize the commanding heights of standards and technology, and contribute to the overall rejuvenation of the Chinese nation's industry leaders. Lead China's fiber rope manufacturing industry to stand on the top of the world as soon as possible, and make due contributions to the cause of human fiber rope.

  • 0+
    It covers an area of more than 56,000 square meters
  • 0+
    More than 300 professional and technical personnel
  • 0+
    More than 270 production equipment
  • 0+
    Annual production of more than 35,000 tons
  • Corporate culture
  • Enterprise mission

    Help users achieve cost control and security throughout the life cycle
    Safe more save more
  • Core values

    Inherit -- inherit the spirit of predecessors
    Unity - Cooperation is strength
    Development - Innovation for development
  • Corporate vision

    To create the world's most valuable rope group
  • Qualification honor
    Development course
  • 1958

    The first generation of founders made handmade ropes from natural fibers.

  • 1988

    The founder led his four sons to establish a factory and began mechanized rope making.

  • 2003

    The Shanghai branch was established.

  • 2004

    Taizhou branch was established, responsible for international market.

  • 2007

    Establishment of Offshore Department.

  • 2009

    R&D center was established

  • 2021

    The signing ceremony for capital increase with COSCO.

  • 2021

    The new intelligent plant was put into use.