
Linhai Municipal Party secretary Mei Shimiao line to the four brothers rope industry research

2022-10-11 00:00:00

On the afternoon of February 25, Mei Shimiao, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Linhai, Chen Jinguo, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Duqiao Town, and other parties came to Zhejiang Four Brothers Rope Industry Co., Ltd. for investigation and investigation, accompanied by Chairman Li Maoju and reported the resumption of work and production.

During the investigation, Secretary Mei directly went into the workshop site, listened to and understood while walking, and asked about the company's employment, capacity recovery and epidemic prevention and control measures, and then visited the company's product display area. After listening to Chairman Li's report on epidemic prevention and control and the resumption of work and production, Secretary Mei highly appreciated and affirmed the existing recovery of the four brothers rope industry.

Secretary Mei stressed that epidemic prevention and control is the basis and prerequisite for resuming work and production. As the epidemic prevention and control work enters a new stage, it is important to both prevent and control the epidemic and speed up the resumption of work and production to ensure that 100% of production capacity is restored. According to the current research and development strength, product advantages and brand effect of the four brothers rope industry, Secretary Mei hopes that the four Brothers rope industry through unremitting efforts to achieve the goal of becoming the leader in the same industry in the world as soon as possible.

Chairman Li thanked Secretary Mei and other government leaders for their care for private enterprises, and said that he would earnestly implement Secretary Mei's instructions and suggestions, not forget the original intention of running enterprises, and make due contributions to the development of Linhai economy!


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