
Cable industry standard, FBR industry YYDS!

2023-03-30 16:44:00

Recently, Zhejiang four brothers rope industry Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as four brothers rope industry) welcomed a group of special guests, they are the leaders and experts of the National Ship Outfitting Standardization Technical Committee (hereinafter referred to as Outfitting Committee). As the maker of a number of cable standards in China, the achievements of the four Brothers rope industry have been highly recognized by the relevant institutions and peers of national standards.

As the deputy leader of the Marine mooring rope working group of the Outfitting Committee, the four brothers attach great importance to the formulation of cable standards and fully realize the importance of standards to the development of the industry and enterprises. The company to seize the commanding heights of standards, enhance the industry's right to speak, using their own strong technology research and development strength and industry influence, actively participate in the drafting of a number of cable standards, the current official release of the cable standards, the four brothers rope industry to participate in the drafting of five national standards, six industry standards and two group standards, in the domestic chemical fiber cable enterprises ranked first.

Four brothers rope industry in the development of cable standards on the road has been moving forward, never stopped, there are a number of standards are being prepared and audited, including the national standard "Marine mooring towing with low rebound cable" (standard index 20220153-T-469) and the group standard "Port tug cable use technical requirements" and so on.

The leaders and experts of the committee were outfitting these two standards. The committee went into the production line of the four brothers rope factory and understood the company's product production process, testing means, quality control process, industry standard formulation and promotion construction.

The four brothers rope industry introduced the company's development and technological innovation achievements to the Committee, and introduced the company's standardization work achievements and future standardization construction work planning. The company has established close cooperation with relevant industry associations and standard-setting institutions, and sent professional and technical personnel to participate in the formulation and revision of relevant standards, contributing to the standardization and upgrading of the industry. The four brothers rope industry will complete the task of formulating standards in research as soon as possible, strengthen communication and coordination, accelerate the standardization construction process, and ensure the quality and reliability of standards.

The leaders and experts of the committee who were invited to the meeting said that through the field investigation and exchange, the committee comprehensively understood the products, technology and standardization construction of the four Brothers rope industry, which would be a useful reference for the future standard development and promotion of the committee. Liu Zhen, chairman of ISO/TC8/SC4, fully affirmed the achievements made by the four brothers rope industry in the construction of cable industry standards, and hoped that the four brothers rope industry would assume corporate responsibility as always, actively participate in the construction of industry standardization, and promote the high-quality development of the industry with standards.

The birth of a standard needs to go through various links such as project establishment, demonstration, preparation, soliciting opinions, review and review, and official release, and the cycle is long and complex.

Taking the four brothers rope industry as the main drafting unit to develop the national standard "Marine mooring towing with low rebound cable" as an example, launched in May 2021, the formation of a draft for comments in June 2022, in August 2022, the national Ship Outfitting standardization Technical Committee will be sent to the outfitting standard member units and cable counterparts. The solicitation of standard opinions, March 15, 2023, the review and review of the standard submission draft.

The cable is the core of the ship's berthing operation and one of the most dangerous operations. Excessive cable wear, load, improper operation and other unsafe behaviors will cause cable breaking accidents, suddenly broken cables will produce huge rebound, when the crew is swept by the huge kinetic energy of the cable, the light fall, fracture, serious injury and life.

In response to this situation, the four brothers rope industry invested technical strength to develop a low rebound cable, improve the safety of the cable operation, but the current domestic low rebound cable lacks national standard support, the four brothers rope industry as a leader in the domestic chemical fiber cable industry, As the chief editor led the joint COSCO Shipping, Jiangnan Shipbuilding Group, Shanghai Maritime University and other units to set up a standard preparation group, for the formulation and preparation of the national standard of low rebound cable, of which the four brothers rope industry is responsible for the standard arrangement, preparation, main technical content and test method demonstration, which is of great significance for promoting the safe development of the industry.

Another group standard is being promoted "Technical requirements for the use of port tow cable", and the four brothers rope industry is the main participating unit.

The towing cable is an important tool used for towing the ship (or other water equipment and facilities) in the operation of mooring and towing, and is an important connection link between the tug and the object being towed. However, at present, there are no relevant standards for the selection, installation, use and maintenance of towing cables in China, and the norms related to foreign towing cables are not suitable for the domestic port operating environment.

In 2021, Ningbo Yougang Tug Co., Ltd. will take the lead and cooperate with the Four Brothers Rope Industry to formulate a requirement for the use of port tug cables based on the situation of Ningbo Port and the use of tow cables. In March 2021, China Port Association established a group standard writing project team on the basis of previous research. As a member of the project team, the fourth Brother Rope Industry is mainly responsible for participating in the technical discussion of the standard project, the revision of the standard structure and element provisions, and the testing of the tow cable. At present, the standard has been developed and is being submitted for approval.

Laboratory test

Field investigation

The four brothers rope industry will continue to actively participate in and promote the development and revision of national standards and industry standards, work with industry peers to promote the standardization and upgrading of standards, provide customers with better quality products and services, and make greater contributions to promoting the standardization and technological innovation of the cable industry.


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