
Guangzhou Marine Laboratory has gathered Zhang CAI, Pan Delu and other 8 academicians!

2023-06-14 21:44:00

On June 14, 2023, the Information Office of the Guangzhou Municipal Government held a press conference on "High-quality development · Look at Nansha", and Li Hongqing, a researcher (municipal administration) of the Guangzhou Science and Technology Bureau, said at the meeting that the Guangzhou Science and Technology Bureau made every effort to promote the key task of "building a science and technology innovation industry cooperation base" in Nansha, and insisted on planning to promote scientific and technological innovation with a global vision.

It was learned from the meeting that the construction of the highly concerned Cold Spring ecosystem research facility will be started by the end of the year, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) has recruited the first batch of about 180 permanent professors.

Strengthen joint innovation in science and technology between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to accelerate cross-border research materials

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) is an important platform for Guangzhou and Nansha to strengthen Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao joint innovation in science and technology. Li Hongqing introduced that the Guangzhou Science and Technology Bureau signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement on collaborative innovation with it, carried out 62 joint science and technology innovation projects of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in 15 advantageous fields, and jointly established six new cutting-edge interdisciplinary municipal key laboratories with the university. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) as a pilot to promote the cross-border pilot of scientific research materials, to help its imported equipment within one working day to complete the customs tax reduction and exemption verification procedures, tax reduction of more than 1.5 million yuan.

In addition, Guangzhou Science and Technology Bureau is also promoting the construction of Nansha incubation Base in Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, and taking South China Technology Transfer Center as the fulcrum, accelerating the construction of international scientific and technological achievements transformation base, and promoting the accurate docking of more than 200 Guangdong and Hong Kong achievements. A financial fund of 10 million yuan was invested to support the operation and development of Nansha Branch of Guangzhou Supercomputing Center, which will direct super computing power to Hong Kong, fill the gap of Hong Kong's world-leading high-performance computing platform, and help Hong Kong University of Science and Technology successfully develop the world's new and long-lasting hydrogen fuel cell.

With Nansha Science City as the main position, a "1+1+3+N" scientific and technological innovation platform system will be formed

The major scientific and technological innovation platform also welcomed good news: the Overall Development Plan of Guangzhou Nansha Science City (2022-2035) has been approved and implemented by the provincial government.

Guangzhou Science and Technology Bureau is centered on Pearl Science Park, To promote Nansha District to initially form a "1+1+3+N" science and technology innovation platform system with Nansha Science City as the main base, Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou) as the main force of original innovation, three major scientific and technological infrastructure as the frontier research strategic support, and a number of high-level scientific research institutions as the main platform for technology supply. Together with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and relevant universities, 22 major scientific and technological innovation platforms have been established.

At present, the Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey has all moved to Nansha, the Guangzhou International Institute of Marine Science and Technology was inaugurated, and the construction of the Guangzhou Collaborative Innovation Center for Resource Planning and Marine Science and Technology has started. The Cold spring ecosystem research facility will be started by the end of this year.

High-tech enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises of science and technology are gathering in Nansha

Recently, China Aerospace and Guangdong Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology participated in the development of the domestic super-large capacity of the solid rocket "Force Arrow 1" set a new record of "26 stars with one arrow". The China-Science and Technology Aerospace Industry Base is completed and put into operation, filling the gap in Guangdong's aerospace manufacturing industry, and will drive the upstream and downstream related industry chain such as space power research and development, satellite research and development, and rocket satellite measurement and control on the scale of 100 billion to gather in Nansha.

In 2022, the number of high-tech enterprises in Nansha District will exceed 900, and the number of new technology-based smes will exceed 2,000. In addition to accelerating the development of the aerospace manufacturing industry, Nansha is also actively promoting the development of the meta-space industry, and the first 12 enterprises have settled in the meta-space industrial pilot demonstration zone. Guangdong Intelligent Unmanned Systems Research Institute relies on the "new generation of underwater vehicles" to connect with major national projects, which is expected to increase the output value of Guangship International by about 5 billion yuan.

In addition, the municipal science and Technology Bureau established an industrial innovation support system with science and technology finance as the main line, and provided credit amounts of 2.226 billion yuan for 301 science and technology enterprises in Nansha District, and the total amount of loans issued was about 1.150 billion yuan; Promote five sub-funds of Guangzhou Science and Technology innovation fund to settle in Nansha, and invest in 11 Nansha projects such as Cloud technology, dark matter intelligence, and Juwan Technology research, with an investment amount of 482 million yuan.

Hkust (Guangzhou) has employed about 180 professors, 90% of whom graduated from quality universities overseas

How to let international high-end talents come to Nansha? Li Hongqing introduced that the municipal science and Technology Bureau took the lead in carrying out the pilot reform of local identification standards for foreign "high-precision and high-precision" talents across the country, focusing more on the needs of "high-precision and high-precision and high-precision" and employers such as universities, research institutes and enterprises, introducing high-end foreign talents according to local conditions, and creating an open and diversified international talent introduction and use environment.

Last month, the 2023 Greater Bay Area Science Forum was successfully held in Nansha, bringing together five Nobel Prize winners, nearly 100 academicians, and more than 200 overseas representatives in Guangzhou. Guangzhou also supported the innovation and entrepreneurship of young people in Hong Kong and Macao, and promoted the five incubation carriers in Nansha District to enter a total of 126 teams and enterprises in Hong Kong and Macao, resulting in 3,089 jobs. Successfully held the first Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Competition, promoted 14 "non-Sui" Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan enterprises to settle in Guangzhou, of which 8 settled in Nansha, the second Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Competition has been officially launched.

It is worth noting that the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) has recruited the first batch of about 180 permanent professors, 90% of whom graduated from Princeton University, Cambridge University, Harvard University, Oxford University and other overseas universities. Guangzhou Marine Laboratory has gathered 8 academicians such as Zhang CAI and Pan Delu. The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Institute of Precision Medicine has brought in 13 full-time research team leaders from home and abroad, and cultivated 52 doctors and 24 post-docs.


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