
Alert! The development of offshore wind power is slow, and multiple problems need to be solved

2023-06-20 17:30:00

More than half of 2023, China's offshore wind power development and construction has shown a slowing trend, and the lag state is still continuing.

According to public bidding information, since the beginning of this year, whether it is fan equipment or EPC general contracting, the scale of offshore wind power bidding is being greatly reduced. Only sporadic projects in some provinces have started bidding for wind turbines and construction.

According to the analysis of China Energy News, the main reason for the decline in the scale of bidding is that the previously approved projects have basically been completed, and the current enterprises focus on project planning, and the peak period of bidding construction is two years after the "14th Five-Year Plan".

Policy adjustments are still unclear, and the pace of approvals has slowed sharply. It is reported that the "double 10" policy will be adjusted to "double 30", that is, the offshore distance of new offshore wind projects needs to be 30 kilometers away or the water depth is more than 30 meters. Due to the pending policy adjustment, the competent authorities in some regions have stopped the approval of offshore wind power development. Without approval, the tender will not proceed smoothly.

Management problems are becoming increasingly prominent, and effective policies have not yet been introduced.

At present, offshore wind power projects in the follow-up approval and construction process will involve fisheries, transportation and other multi-sectoral management issues. In the process of project development, there are more and more "collisions" with transportation, fisheries and other departments. However, the management measures for the development of offshore wind power in the state-administered waters have not yet been issued, which restricts the development progress to a certain extent.

The technical links have not yet broken through, and the development of deep Blue is slow.

At the technical level, some projects with deeper water depths or far offshore distances need to use floating and flexible DC transmission technology, and can not achieve parity Internet access according to the current technical capacity and electricity price level. The large-scale development of such projects also requires technological progress and experience accumulation, and there are fewer relevant tenders.

Source: China Energy News


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