
Four brothers rope industry to help the domestic whole sea deep geological winch system "Haiwei DJ11000" to complete the first deep-sea survey task

2022-11-29 16:21:19

Recently, the "13th Five-Year" national key research and development Plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology "Whole Sea deep geological winch system development" project undertaken by Dalian Maritime University and South Kone Wei Machinery Co., Ltd. and other units, with the Ministry of Natural Resources North Sea Bureau "Xiangyanghong 06" ship completed the first voyage of the deep sea survey task in the open sea. The depth of the geological sampling operation reached 7,762 meters, the length of the biological trawl cable was more than 11,000 meters, the speed of the cable was more than 120 meters per minute, the continuous operation time was more than 30 hours, and the deep-sea samples of multiple stations were obtained, breaking the monopoly situation of similar foreign equipment. Zhejiang Four Brothers Rope Industry Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as four Brothers Rope Industry) is honored to participate in the research and development and production of the cable part of the project, and contribute to the localization of the project.

As the basic carrier of Marine investigation and research, research ship is the embodiment of a country's comprehensive national strength, and its equipment level is directly related to the country's Marine science and technology strength. The deep-sea geological winch system is used for the lifting and recovery of deep-sea geological sampling instruments, and is the basic equipment of oceangoing scientific research ships. At present, the geological winch system used on domestic deep-sea research ships is almost all imported from developed countries such as Norway, which limits the development of supporting equipment for China's research ships, so it is urgent to carry out the independent research and development of the whole sea deep geological winch system.

Professor Li Wenhua team of Dalian Maritime University participated in the whole research work of the project, and many units such as Nankone Wei Machinery Co., LTD., Zhejiang Four Brothers Rope Industry Co., LTD., jointly conducted technical research. After receiving the R & D task, in view of the high technical index requirements and difficulty of the project, the backbone personnel were organized to fight for more than 1 year to carry out technical research, successfully developed a special chemical fiber cable that fully met the requirements of the project, and provided a continuous 13000-meter-long synthetic fiber cable successfully replaced the traditional steel wire rope for the project.


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