
The four brothers rope industry officially became a member of China Navigation Society

2019-09-27 16:13:44

On September 27, 2019, in the Polar Research Center of China, the Polar Navigation and Equipment Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Navigation held a second meeting, at this meeting, we Zhejiang Four Brothers Rope Industry Co., Ltd. through the participating member units, all members voted by a show of hands, in the form of unanimous vote, officially allowed to become the member unit of the polar Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Navigation.

At the meeting, Mr. Gu Weiguo, deputy secretary general of the Chinese Society of Navigation, warmly introduced the situation of the "four brothers rope industry" in the past, such as "Shenzhou spacecraft" and "Liaoning" and other major projects, and gave full affirmation and high evaluation.

At present, China Polar Research Center has a total of two polar research vessels, the new polar research icebreaker - Snow Dragon 2, all the mooring cables used by it, all selected our Zhejiang Four Brothers rope industry Co., Ltd. made of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene cables. As an important instrument of the country, Snow Dragon 2 will make its maiden voyage in October, sailing to the Antarctic for scientific investigation, which is of far-reaching significance to the implementation of the national "ocean strategy" at the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China. Here, Zhejiang four Brothers Rope industry Co., Ltd. to the Chinese Society of Navigation, polar special Committee, and other members of the support and concern, thank you!

FBR will always adhere to the concept of helping users achieve "cost control and safety guarantee of the whole life cycle", and as always actively participate in our country's polar and scientific research cause, and make their own contributions to China's navigation cause.


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