
Ren Xianfeng, deputy director of the provincial government Research Office, visited our company for research

2021-09-04 16:54:52

On the afternoon of September 3, 2021, Ren Xianfeng, deputy director of the provincial government Research Office and his delegation visited the FBR industry for investigation and research, accompanied by Li Maoji, general manager and the main leaders of the company, visited the company's testing center.

When Ren Xianfeng and his party visited the site of the inspection center, they listened to the introduction of Li Maoju, the general manager, on the company's development history, production and operation, design and development, project construction, and corporate governance structure. Under the care and support of governments and leaders at all levels, the four brothers rope industry after three generations of hard work and continuous development, has been focused on the research and development and manufacturing of fiber ropes, adhere to the "create a stream of quality, build a hundred years of brand" business philosophy, after decades of efforts, has made considerable progress, has become Asia's leading chemical fiber rope manufacturing enterprises.

On March 31, 2021, the joint venture company was formally established, and COSCO Shipping International Trade Co., Ltd. held 48% in the way of capital expansion, which injected vitality into the rapid development of the company, marking the four brothers rope industry planned many years ago from family to corporation, from corporation to socialization, and successfully took a key step.

Subsequently, I watched the CCTV "News 1+1" column on June 25, with the title of "Deep sea No. 1" deep sea No. 1 "Deep sea No. 1" large gas field in China's first 1500 meters deep water officially put into operation and ventilation video. Cnooc Lingshui "17-2" project is an important practice of the national strategy in the South China Sea, is China's first deep-sea oil and gas production in about 1,500 meters, the gas field can be used by 1.2 million people for 100 years, the mining platform "deep-sea No. 1" is the world's first 100,000-ton deepwater semi-submersible production platform, the main deck of the platform area of nearly 7,000 square meters. The domestic cable made by the four elder rope industry provided for the "Deep Sea No. 1" is designed according to the "once in a thousand years" typhoon in the South China Sea area and the service life of 30 years. The single breaking force exceeds 2,000 tons and the single continuous length is nearly 1,000 meters. These "Fixed sea needles" effectively guarantee the production and operation safety of the "Deep Sea No. 1" semi-submersible platform in the South China Sea area. The supporting application of the project marks that the four Brothers rope industry successfully broke the long-term monopoly of European and American rope companies in the global deep-sea mooring field, and won the high praise of CNOOC, CNOOC listed the localization of deep-sea mooring cables as one of the many major technological innovations in the "deep-sea No. 1", and affirmed the role of the four Brothers rope industry in the key major equipment field "card neck project".

Director Ren fully affirmed the development and construction of the four brothers rope industry, he said that he is full of expectations for the future development of the four brothers rope industry, and hopes that the four brothers rope industry will lead China's fiber rope manufacturing industry, become an industry leader, and make greater contributions to the development of China's Marine industry.


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