
Eighteen national standards in Marine fields, including Guidelines for the Assessment of Coastal Marine Ecological Health and Guidelines for Island Ecological Construction, were approved and released!

2023-06-12 23:45:18

Recently, the National Marine Standardization Technical Committee (TC283) organized and drafted the "Marine forecast and warning release Part 6: Current forecast release", "Automatic profile drifting buoy", "Marine ecological restoration technical Guide Part 4: Seagrass bed ecological restoration and other 18 recommended national standards have been approved by the State Administration for Market Supervision and Administration (Standardization Administration).

The standard "Marine Forecast and warning release Part 6: Current forecast Release" stipulates the classification and release requirements of current forecast, which is applicable to the use of Marine forecast agencies when carrying out current forecast services. The standard was drafted by the National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center and will be implemented from September 1, 2023.

The "Automatic profile drifting buoy" standard specifies the composition and classification of automatic profile drifting buoys, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, signs, labels, accompanying documents, packaging, transportation and storage requirements, which are applicable to the design, production, procurement, inspection and data quality control of automatic profile drifting buoys. The standard was drafted by the National Marine Technology Center and will be implemented from September 1, 2023.

The standard "Technical Guide for Marine Ecological Restoration Part 4: Seagrass Bed Ecological Restoration" provides guidance and suggestions on the basic principles, overall process, analysis and diagnosis, plan formulation and plan implementation of seagrass bed ecological restoration, and is applicable to seagrass bed ecological restoration work. The standard, drafted by the Institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and managed by the Marine Living Resources Development and Protection Sub-Technical Committee of the National Marine Standardization Technical Committee (TC283/SC3), will be implemented from December 1, 2023.

The Technical Regulations for Evaluation of Gulf Water Exchange Capacity established the general principles of Gulf water exchange capacity evaluation, stipulated the basic procedures and operational instructions of monitoring and evaluation methods and simulation evaluation methods, as well as Gulf water exchange capacity evaluation methods, which are applicable to Gulf water exchange capacity evaluation and can be implemented by reference in other sea areas. The standard was drafted by the National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center and will be implemented from September 1, 2023.

 The standard was drafted by the National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center and will be implemented from September 1, 2023.

The standard for Safety Management of outboard Survey Equipment Deployment and Recovery of ocean survey ships stipulates the safety management requirements of personnel, working conditions, operation, and emergency management of outboard survey equipment deployment and recovery of ocean survey ships, which is applicable to the safety management of outboard survey equipment deployment and recovery of ocean survey ships in China. The standard, led by the North Sea Marine Technical Support Center of the State Oceanic Administration, will be implemented from September 1, 2023.

The standard for Safety Management of Marine investigation ship Laboratories stipulates the technical requirements for safety management of Marine investigation ship laboratories, such as personnel safety, facility and environment safety, instrument and equipment safety, material safety, hazardous chemicals safety, waste safety, emergency plan, safety inspection, danger source identification, etc., which is applicable to the safety management of Marine investigation ship laboratories in China. The standard, led by the North Sea Marine Technical Support Center of the State Oceanic Administration, will be implemented from September 1, 2023.

Procedure for the Investigation of the Environment of the International Seabed Area and the High Seas - Part 1: The "General Provisions" standard specifies the contents and requirements of Marine environmental investigations in the international seabed area and the high seas, the configuration of survey vessels and main instruments and equipment, investigation procedures and quality control, offshore field investigations, laboratory sample analysis, data processing and report preparation and other basic requirements, applicable to the international seabed area and the high seas environmental investigations except polar oceans. The standard was drafted by the Second Institute of Oceanography under the leadership of the Ministry of Natural Resources, and was specifically managed by the Marine Survey Observation and Monitoring Sub-Technical Committee of the National Marine Standardization Technical Committee (TC283/SC2), and will be implemented from December 1, 2023.

Procedure for the Investigation of the Environment of the International Seabed Area and the High Seas - Part 2: The Marine Chemical Survey standard specifies the general requirements for Marine chemical surveys in international seabed areas and high seas, requirements for chemical analysis of seawater, requirements for chemical analysis of sediments and methods for analysis of trace elements in organisms, etc., and is applicable to Marine chemical surveys in international seabed areas and in high seas environmental surveys other than polar oceans. The standard was drafted by the Second Institute of Oceanography under the leadership of the Ministry of Natural Resources, and was specifically managed by the Marine Survey Observation and Monitoring Sub-Technical Committee of the National Marine Standardization Technical Committee (TC283/SC2), and will be implemented from December 1, 2023.

The International Seabed Area and High Seas Environmental Survey Procedures Part 3: Marine Biological survey standard specifies the general provisions, investigation elements, basic requirements and methods for sample collection, sample analysis and data collection of Marine biological survey in international seabed areas and high seas environmental survey, applicable to Marine biological survey in international seabed areas and high seas environmental survey except polar oceans. The standard was drafted by the Second Institute of Oceanography under the leadership of the Ministry of Natural Resources, and was specifically managed by the Marine Survey Observation and Monitoring Sub-Technical Committee of the National Marine Standardization Technical Committee (TC283/SC2), and will be implemented from December 1, 2023.

The Guidelines for the Assessment of Coastal Marine Ecological Health provide guidance and suggestions on the classification and assessment methods of coastal Marine ecological health assessment, and are applicable to the assessment of the health status of coral reefs, seagrass beds, mangroves and estuarine and gulf ecosystems in inland seas, territorial seas and waters under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China. The standard, led by the National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center and drafted by the National Marine Standardization Technical Committee Marine Living Resources Development and Protection sub-technical Committee (TC283/SC3), will be implemented from December 1, 2023.

The "Technical Requirements for Underwater Cable Online Monitoring System for Marine Ecological Environment" standard specifies the composition, function and technical requirements, layout, operation and data quality control requirements of the underwater cable online monitoring system for Marine ecological environment, which is applicable to the design, construction and operation of the system in offshore and polar seas. The standard was drafted by the National Marine Technology Center and will be implemented from December 1, 2023.

The standard "Ocean polymetallic sulfide Resources Survey Code" provides the survey code of ocean polymetallic sulfide resources, which is applicable to the investigation of ocean polymetallic sulfide resources. The standard was drafted by the China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association, and was specifically managed by the Marine Survey Observation and Monitoring Sub-Technical Committee of the National Marine Standardization Technical Committee (TC283/SC2), and will be implemented from September 1, 2023.

The Standard for Intertidal Survey stipulates the basic elements, methods and technical requirements for the investigation of the type and distribution, topography, hydrology, sediment, biology and other contents of the intertidal zone, which is applicable to the comprehensive investigation of the basic elements of the resources and environment of the intertidal zone, and the relevant professional and special investigations are used for reference. The standard was drafted by the Second Institute of Oceanography under the leadership of the Ministry of Natural Resources, and was specifically managed by the Marine Survey Observation and Monitoring Sub-Technical Committee of the National Marine Standardization Technical Committee (TC283/SC2), and will be implemented from September 1, 2023.

The "Technical Specification for Multi-beam Underwater topographic Survey" standard stipulates the general principles, system configuration and installation calibration, measurement requirements, data processing, data inspection and submission of underwater topographic survey of multi-beam sounding system, which is suitable for underwater topographic survey of shipborne multi-beam sounding system, and can also be used as a reference for multi-beam measurement on other observation platforms. The standard, led by the First Marine Institute of the Ministry of Natural Resources, will be implemented from December 1, 2023.

The "Guidelines for Island Ecological Construction" standard provides guidelines for the construction principles, construction contents, construction plans and dynamic maintenance of island ecological construction, and is applicable to the ecological construction of uninhabited islands and islands with residents at or below the county level. The standard was drafted by the National Marine Standard Metrology Center and will be implemented from September 1, 2023.

The Technical Guidelines for the Monitoring and Effect Assessment of the ecological restoration of Marine Benthic Animal Populations provide guidance and suggestions on the working procedures, on-site monitoring and investigation, and effect assessment of the ecological restoration of Marine benthic animal populations, and are applicable to the monitoring and effect assessment of the ecological restoration of Marine benthic animal populations in the maritime areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China. The standard, led by the North Sea Environmental Monitoring Center of the State Oceanic Administration, will be implemented from September 1, 2023.

The standard for In-situ Investigation of Acoustic Characteristics of Submarine Sediments specifies the general requirements for in-situ investigation of acoustic characteristics of submarine sediments, technical indicators of investigation equipment, requirements for Marine investigation, data sorting and data processing, survey results and data archiving. It is applicable to in-situ investigation of acoustic characteristics of Marine sediments, and can be used as a reference for the investigation of acoustic characteristics of sediments in rivers and lakes. The standard was drafted by the Second Institute of Oceanography under the leadership of the Ministry of Natural Resources, and was specifically managed by the Marine Survey Observation and Monitoring Sub-Technical Committee of the National Marine Standardization Technical Committee (TC283/SC2), and will be implemented from September 1, 2023.

The issuance and implementation of the above 18 national standards is a further supplement and improvement of the Marine standard system for natural resources, and is of great significance for standardizing and guiding the issuance of Marine forecast and warning, Marine survey, observation and monitoring, Marine ecological restoration, ocean survey, and the safe operation of Marine survey vessels. The National Technical Committee for Marine Standardization (TC283) will organize and carry out the above standards in a timely manner in accordance with the actual work to ensure the smooth implementation of the standards.


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