
Set the course, solve the problem, seek innovation! The third Expansion Meeting of the fifth session of the Middle Class Association and the first science and Technology Conference of Chinas industrial textile industry was successfully held in Shaoxing Ke

2023-03-25 12:01:00

At the Party's 20th National Congress and this year's National Two sessions, scientific and technological innovation has become a high-frequency word, which not only reflects its core position in the national development strategy, but also implements the deployment of Chinese-style modernization. As one of the main directions of global textile science and technology innovation, the industrial textile industry in China to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system in the new journey, how will play the leading role of science and technology, establish a high-quality development of the industry "vane"?

On March 24, the fifth session of the Third Council Expansion Meeting of the China Industrial Textile Industry Association and the first Science and Technology Conference of China Industrial Textile Industry, jointly sponsored by the China Industrial Textile Industry Association and the People's Government of Shaoxing City Keqiao District, Zhejiang Province, was successfully held in Shaoxing Keqiao.

Li Lingshen, Vice President of China Textile Industry Federation; Cao Xuejun, first Inspector of the Department of Consumer Goods Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology; He Yanli, former Inspector of the Department of Industrial Development of the National Development and Reform Commission; Chen Wenxing, President of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering; Zhang Xueji, Vice President of Shenzhen University, Academician of the American Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering, Academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering and academician of the European Academy of Sciences; Chen Nanliang, former vice president of Donghua University, Ni Qingqing, Academician of Japanese Academy of Engineering, Executive Vice President of Zhejiang Modern Textile Technology Innovation Center, Le Youhua, senior consultant of Petrochemical Textile Business Department of China International Engineering Consulting Co., LTD., Li Guimei, President of China Industrial Textile Industry Association, Han Jixian, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of China Association of Thermal Insulation and Energy-saving Materials, Zhao Jing, Deputy Director of Consumer Goods Industry Department of Zhejiang Economic and Information Technology Department, Chen Jun, Deputy Director of Keqiao District People's Government of Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, attended the meeting.

The third expanded meeting of the fifth session of China Industrial Textile Industry Association

The new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation will promote the formation of a new world science and technology center and economic center, and the new scientific and technological innovation and industrial paradigm change also provide a historic opportunity for the industry to "change lanes and overtake vehicles" to embed the high-end of the global industrial chain. In this context, how does the high-quality development of the industrial textile industry go? The third Expanded meeting of the fifth session of the China Industrial Textile Industry Association sets the development course of 2023 and explores a new path of high-quality development.


The meeting was presided over by Zhu Xiusen, Vice president and Secretary general of China Industrial Textile Industry Association.

Set the tone: The road to high-quality development of the industry goes like this


Cao Xuejun said in his speech that the application field of industrial textiles is wide, scientific and technological innovation is active, and the development potential is huge, which is the focus of the steady growth of the textile industry to expand domestic demand. The epidemic has been three years, highlighting the importance of industrial textiles, and all regions have supported the establishment of mask protective clothing production guarantees, and enterprises have a new understanding of the textile industry. In 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on the High-quality Development of the Industrial Textile Industry, which clarified the development direction, goals and key tasks of the industry. For how to implement the "Guiding Opinions" and promote scientific and technological innovation in the industrial textile industry, Cao Xuejun put forward relevant suggestions: Give play to the leading role of the innovation platform and accelerate the development and innovation of key technologies; Focus on eight areas, strengthen integration and innovation, and expand new application scenarios; Accelerate the transformation and upgrading, and promote the green transformation of the digital industry; Give play to the main role of enterprises to support the development of specialized and innovative; Improve the standard certification system and enhance the quality assurance capability.


Li Lingshen pointed out that industrial textiles are the areas where developed countries compete to develop and strive to maintain strategic competitive advantages. At present, China has become a country with complete categories, rich product categories and complete industrial chain in the global industrial textile industry. For the next development of the industrial textile industry, Li Lingshen put forward three suggestions: First, promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry with high-end manufacturing, and adhere to the world's scientific and technological frontier, the main economic battlefield, the major needs of the country, and the life and health of the people. Second, the digital economy enables industrial innovation and change, to focus on promoting the development and application of advanced equipment and intelligent construction in the field of nonwovens, continue to carry out intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration and industrial Internet platform demonstration in the industry, and further increase the research and development and application promotion of smart textiles. Third, green manufacturing to promote the sustainable development of the industry, to clarify the green development path and low-carbon key technologies, to green and low-carbon major projects and key projects as traction, to green factory, green supply chain construction, green product development and application promotion, standard certification system construction as a breakthrough, systematically promote the green and low-carbon development of the industry.


Chen Jun said in his speech that the large textile industry is the mother industry and pillar industry of Keqiao, which has a complete industrial system with professional support from polyester chemical fiber to fabric weaving, dyeing and finishing, clothing and other products manufacturing, and then to fashion design, market trade, brand marketing, research and development testing, and industrial brain. Keqiao attaches great importance to the upgrading and innovative development of the industrial textile industry, and has formed a cluster of industrial textile characteristics such as microfiber composite materials, carbon fiber and composite materials, and industrial special silk. In the next step, Keqiao will be guided by high-level platforms such as Zhejiang Modern Textile Technology Innovation Center to further promote scientific and technological innovation in the industrial textile industry, deepen cooperation and collaborative innovation between government, industry, university and research, and promote the iterative upgrading of the industrial textile industry chain of Keqiao.

Layout: Open up a new field of industry development and a new track


Li Guimei delivered the 2022 annual work report of China Industrial Textile Industry Association and introduced the work priorities of the association in 2023.  Courage and perseverance forward, boost the confidence of the industry development; Strong foundation and solid foundation, steadily promote the construction of the association; Enabling technology to drive high-quality development of the industry; Green and low-carbon, full of industry development momentum.

Li Guimei said that in 2023, the Middle Class Association will adhere to innovation-driven development, fully open up new areas and new tracks for industry development, actively create a competitive new ecology and new formats, and constantly promote the high-quality development of the industrial textile industry. The key work of the association will focus on the following ten aspects: leading high-quality development with high-quality party building, and continuing to build a matrix of party building activities with industry characteristics; Improve the industry science and technology innovation system, and promote the construction of industrial textile industry manufacturing innovation center and national standardization Technical committee; We will continue to promote the application and promotion of new technologies and new products in the industrial chain, such as personal protection and biomedical materials. Establish high-quality enterprise database, gradient cultivation of pilot and specialized new enterprises; Set up the professional committee of electrostatic spinning nonwovens to promote the basic research and industrial development and application of electrostatic spinning industry; Strengthen the industry's green and low-carbon research, carry out green factories, green design products and other work; Effectively carry out multi-dimensional international exchanges and cooperation and external publicity, and actively promote the work related to ISO geosynthetic materials standards; Carry out the selection of intelligent manufacturing excellent scenarios and demonstration factories, and build an industrial Internet platform; Strengthen the training and special skills training of all types of personnel in the industry; Promote the construction of key corporate social responsibility in the industry, and release the social responsibility report of the nonwovens industry.

Cohesion: Cohesion industry enterprises high-quality development strength

The third expanded meeting of the fifth Council deliberated and adopted the annual work report of the Association, and adjusted and co-elected the council of the Association.


Since the Middle Class Association has carried out the construction of research and development base, the industry enterprises and institutions have actively participated in the construction of research and development base, which has become a significant sign of the industry's leading scientific and technological innovation in the field of segmentation and the rapid development of the industry. At the meeting, Li Guimei awarded eight units that were successfully shortlisted for the industry R&D base.



In order to actively promote the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the industry, accelerate the construction of a green manufacturing system, and play a leading role in the demonstration of advanced and typical green manufacturing, the association organized the cultivation of green factory demonstration enterprises in the industry. Chen Nanliang and Le have Huawei's first batch of industrial textile industry green factory cultivation enterprises issued certificates; Chen Wenxing and He Yanli presented certificates to the first batch of green factory demonstration enterprises in the industrial textile industry.



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