
The National Ocean Innovation Index, developed by the Ocean Institute, assesses regional ocean innovation capacity in 2022

2023-06-12 23:45:00

Recently, the "National Marine Innovation Index Report 2022" jointly compiled by the "Ocean Institute" of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the National Marine Information Center, the Lanzhou Literature and Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other units was officially published. Since 2013, Ocean One Institute has led research on the National Ocean Innovation Index and published a series of reports for 10 years.

How has national and regional Marine innovation capacity changed in the past 10 years? What are the implications for Qingdao? The reporter interviewed the experts of the National Marine Innovation Index research group.

In the past 10 years, the average annual growth rate of China's Marine innovation index has been 4.25%

The "National Marine Innovation Index" is mainly an evaluation index system established by four sub-indexes of Marine innovation resources, Marine knowledge creation, Marine innovation performance, and Marine innovation environment, aiming to objectively assess China's national and regional Marine innovation capabilities through index evaluation and data analysis, and effectively reflect the quality and efficiency of China's Marine innovation.

Liu Dahai, the main leader of the National Marine Innovation Index research group and a senior engineer of the Ocean Institute, said that under the background of the construction of a Marine power and the "Belt and Road" initiative, China's Marine innovation environmental conditions have been significantly improved, Marine independent innovation capacity has been greatly improved, scientific and technological competitiveness and overall strength have been significantly enhanced, and innovation achievements in some fields have reached the international advanced level. In the past 10 years, the average annual growth rate of China's Marine innovation index has been 4.25%, maintaining a steady growth trend.

From the perspective of Marine innovation evaluation indicators, the four sub-indexes all show an increasing trend. Among them, the sub-index of Marine innovation performance mainly evaluates the contribution rate of Marine science and technology progress and the conversion rate of Marine science and technology achievements, and the upward trend is obvious, with an average annual growth rate of 5.8%. The sub-index of Marine knowledge creation, which mainly evaluates the inventions, works and papers of Marine researchers, grew strongly, with an average annual growth rate of 4.87%; The Marine innovation Resources sub-index, which mainly evaluates the intensity of funding and manpower input of Marine research institutions, also grew rapidly, with an average annual growth rate of 4.6%. The Innovation Environment sub-index mainly assesses the gross Marine product per capita, and the growth trend is relatively slow, with an average annual growth rate of 1.46%.

"Overall, China's Marine science and technology innovation and development has made remarkable achievements. With the continuous development of the Marine economy, the future development prospects of Marine science and technology innovation are broad." Liu Dahai said.

The southern Marine economic circle has a rising trend, ranking second

The National Marine Innovation Index Report, published over the years, not only assesses the national Marine innovation capacity, but also analyzes the regional Marine innovation capacity. It is estimated that in the past 10 years, the ranking of the eastern Marine economic circle has been in the forefront, and the ranking of the southern Marine economic circle has shown an upward trend since 2021, and has risen from the third to the second in 2022.

According to the score of the regional Marine innovation index measured by the three major Marine economic circles in 2022, the eastern Marine economic circle is 42.64 points, ranking first, in addition to the Marine innovation environment index, the other three sub-index scores are ranked first in the three major Marine economic circles, showing a strong comprehensive innovation ability. Among them, the score of the Marine innovation performance sub-index is particularly outstanding, which fully demonstrates the strong innovation input transformation ability of the eastern Marine economic circle, and promotes the rapid development of the Marine economy.

The southern maritime economy region ranked second with 40.25 points. According to reports, the main factor for the leap in the ranking of the southern Marine economic circle is that in recent years, Guangdong, Hainan and other regions have strengthened the attention to the Marine industry and its scientific and technological innovation, and the Marine innovation resources and environment have been continuously improved, and the Marine innovation performance has also been continuously improved.

The northern Marine economic zone scored 28.76 points. Abundant Marine innovation resources are a prominent advantage of the economic circle, and the score of the Marine innovation environment sub-index has greatly improved compared with the previous year. However, the Marine innovation performance of the northern Marine economic circle is relatively weak, and the ocean input transformation capacity needs to be further improved.

Qingdao is still in the first echelon and should pay attention to the balanced development of innovation dimension

Qingdao is one of the representative cities of the northern Marine economic circle. In 2021, the central government entrusted Qingdao with the new mission and new positioning of "strengthening Marine functions and characteristics and driving the formation of a number of modern Marine cities". This requires Qingdao Marine development, not only to "lead" the development of the northern Marine economic circle, but also to "lead" the development of coastal Marine cities.

In 2022, Shandong's Marine innovation Index score ranked second in China's Marine provinces (regions and municipalities), showing the characteristics of strong basic strength of Marine innovation, innovative resources and strong ability to create knowledge. Among them, Qingdao has made a great contribution.

According to the assessment of the National Marine Innovation Index, Qingdao, as an ocean city, the investment in Marine scientific research has increased year by year, the innovation capacity has been continuously enhanced, and the development trend is good. Qingdao's Marine research and experimental development (R&D) funds, R&D projects, R&D personnel and R&D achievements and other indicators rank steadily, and its Marine scientific research strength is in the first echelon of China, and its Marine innovation ability is in the forefront of the country.

"It should also be noted that with the continuous emphasis on Marine science and technology innovation in Guangdong and other southern ocean cities in recent years, Qingdao's advantages as a strong city of Marine science and technology need to be further strengthened, especially in terms of innovation performance, with huge development potential and room for improvement." Wang Chunjuan, the main person in charge of the National Marine Innovation Index research group and a senior engineer of the Ocean Institute, said that in the future, Qingdao should pay attention to the balanced development of the Marine innovation dimension in the process of constantly improving its own Marine innovation capability. On the basis of abundant Marine innovation resources, the performance evaluation of Marine innovation should be strengthened, and the transformation of Marine scientific and technological achievements should be used as a measure to improve innovation capability, so as to continuously improve the effect and impact of Marine innovation activities. At the same time, we will continue to create a better environment for Marine innovation and enhance our capacity for Marine innovation in all aspects.


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