
TOP journal article! Jiang Zengjie research team of Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute confirmed that the integrated culture model of shellfish is...

2023-06-13 23:11:00

Recently, The offshore ecological aquaculture team led by Jiang Zengjie, a researcher at the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, conducted research in Environmental Science & Technology, Frontiers in Marine Science, and ICES Journal of Marine Science and other TOP journals in the field of Marine science and environmental science published three research papers related to the biological effects of ocean acidification, explaining the latest research progress of the team in the molecular mechanism of important economic shellfish response to ocean acidification stress and mitigation pathways.

Based on the establishment of in situ acidification simulation experiment system, the team took the important economic shellfish crassostrea gigas and the Philippine clam as experimental objects, and adopted the standardized method of physiological energy measurement of shellfish by "on-site water system +PAMAS+PreSens" to systematically analyze the physiological response and regulatory mechanism of crassostrea gigas and the Philippine clam to ocean acidification stress. The results showed that ocean acidification stress significantly decreased the water filtration rate of crassostrea gigas, increased the oxygen consumption and ammonia emission rates, and led to the decrease of its growth power. Ocean acidification stress reversed the function of γ-aminobutyric acid type A nerve receptor (GABAA receptor) by affecting the acid-base balance state (pH, [HCO3-], etc.), which changed from output inhibitory signal to output excitation signal, and then led to the change of sand mining behavior of Philippine clam.

Subsequently, the research team used a set of self-developed field enclosure experiment system with automatic pH control to explore the positive role of integrated shellfish culture in alleviating ocean acidification stress. The results showed that the presence of kelp could significantly improve the filtration rate and growth power of crassostrea gigas, and a reasonable ratio of shellfish and algae (crassostrea gigas: wet-to-weight ratio of kelp was about 1:1.6) could effectively alleviate the negative effects of ocean acidification stress on physiological activities of crassostrea gigas, which confirmed that the integrated culture model of shellfish and algae is an effective way to actively cope with the negative effects of ocean acidification. Relevant studies provide important theoretical basis and practical reference for further understanding the biological effects of ocean acidification and exploring green and efficient mitigation ways of ocean acidification.

Among them, the first author of Environmental Science & Technology and ICES Journal of Marine Science is Dr. Jiang Yuwei from Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, and the corresponding author is Researcher Jiang Zengjie. Frontiers in Marine Science researcher Zengjie Jiang and Dr. Yuwei Jiang are co-first authors. Related research work has been funded by the National Key research and Development Program, Laoshan Laboratory Science and Technology Innovation Project, National Natural Science Foundation, Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation, Shandong Taishan Scholars Young Experts and the Innovation team of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences.

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