
The management team of the FBR industry went to COSCO Jordan for management exchanges

2023-07-07 08:18:55

In order to respond to the inter-company standard learning requirements put forward by Chen Hui, vice president of Hong Kong COSCO Shipping and chairman of Four Brothers Rope Industry, and improve their own enterprise management level and business skills, on July 3, the management team of four Brothers Rope Industry went to COSCO Jotun Marine Coatings (Qingdao) Co., LTD., for management learning and exchange. Led by Li Maoju, general manager of the Four Brothers Rope industry and Wang Yandong, deputy general manager of COsco Shipping International Trade.


During the visit, the management team of COSCO Jotun introduced in detail the development history, vision, business model, supply chain management, advanced products, management tool application, safety management, green intelligence and automation, social responsibility and other general situation of the company and the factory. Subsequently, the heads of the production department, quality Department, storage department, security Department and other departments of COSCO Jotun Qingdao Factory also introduced the specific management methods, tool application and practice and corresponding assessment methods on the spot, and had a warm discussion on production management, quality management, storage management, safety management, information management and other aspects.


The two parties then agreed to continue to carry out in-depth exchanges and mutual learning, learn from each other's strengths, share information and resources, strengthen collaborative marketing, grow together, and create profits for shareholders.



● FBR industry vice general manager Lin Bigui

Through a day of benchmarking exchange and learning, we were greatly shocked and gained, and truly felt that COSCO Jordan has a good style of scientific rigor, excellence and innovation in all aspects of management work, especially the advanced concept of on-site 5S management, double prevention mechanism and information management, which left a deep impression on us. Through this on-site learning exchange, we have broadened our horizons, enriched our knowledge, opened our minds, and learned some excellent experience and good practices. At the same time, we have also seen our shortcomings and shortcomings, and broadened our ideas for future work.

● FBR financial supervisor Joe

The four brothers rope industry attaches great importance to this opportunity to learn and exchange benchmarks, and the company's leaders and middle-level backbone went to COSCO Jotun Qingdao factory. Cosco Jordan prepared well and exchanged rich contents. Through this benchmarking learning exchange, the four brothers rope industry really felt the advanced management mode and effective management practice of COSCO Jotun Qingdao factory, which provided reference and inspiration for the four brothers rope industry management improvement and its own development, strengthened the fine management concept, broadened the innovative management ideas, solved the management problems, and improved the innovation ability. It plays an active role in promoting the production and management of the four brothers rope industry.


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